Ever wanted to be able to get all available network interfaces and control them through Python? Well so did I, thus I went on the web and started searching for such modules/packages that can do that. And I found. I found ethtool I also found netifaces and also this dionaea's getifaddrs and of course tons of questions about it on stackoverflow but they all seem to lack one important feature. Controlling the interface, meaning bringing it up, changing it's IP address etc. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thus I decided to create one that can.
In order to control a network interface in most Unix derivatives you need to deal with IOCTL - a obscure & useful system call used for everything you can imagine. For the purpose of manipulating a network interface we have to deal with one more hairy member of the Unix world.
Meet "struct ifreq":
struct ifreq
# define IFHWADDRLEN 6
char ifrn_name[IFNAMSIZ]; /* Interface name, e.g. "en0". */
} ifr_ifrn;
struct sockaddr ifru_addr;
struct sockaddr ifru_dstaddr;
struct sockaddr ifru_broadaddr;
struct sockaddr ifru_netmask;
struct sockaddr ifru_hwaddr;
short int ifru_flags;
int ifru_ivalue;
int ifru_mtu;
struct ifmap ifru_map;
char ifru_slave[IFNAMSIZ]; /* Just fits the size */
char ifru_newname[IFNAMSIZ];
__caddr_t ifru_data;
} ifr_ifru;
Hairy stuff, really hairy. Just tell me what sockaddr really is? Yeah right it's another union. What about ifmap? Just how many structures do you have to know to be able to work with this one. Well can you really blame the people who did this structure? It's not their fault, after it is used for a lot of things. I mean almost every action connected with a network interface is stuffed through ioctl using this structure. So instead of bragging about it's hair style lets consider the techniques we have in the Python world to deal with such structure.
- For one we can always make a C/C++ extension and hide the complexity there. This approach was taken by ethtool and netifaces. I don't like this approach much. First you can't benefit from Pythons features. Second the code base becomes quite bloated with very similar patterns like 'set ifreq struct value, call ioctl, handle return code' and I don't like it.
- A lot of answers on stackoverflow show how you can get or set a particular option of a network interface in pure python using the struct module. But can you imagine writing a function for every element of that ifreq structure like this:
def get_ip(iface = 'eth0'):
... ifreq = struct.pack('16sH14s', iface, socket.AF_INET, '\x00'*14)
... try:
... res = fcntl.ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFADDR, ifreq)
... except:
... return None
... ip = struct.unpack('16sH2x4s8x', res)[2]
... return socket.inet_ntoa(ip)
Code taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166506/finding-local-ip-addresses-using-pythons-stdlib
- Then there's ctypes. The module that helps you exploit those C libraries without having to deal with C. Inspired by the dionaeas approach I decided that this is the one and only path I will take.
I want easy and intuitive access to the network interfaces. I wan't a class representing a interface. I wan't to be able to get and set values of this interface by simply accessing them like variables. I wan't pretty printing. I wan't short but working code with as little replication as possible. I wan't something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python import pyiface #Get all available network interfaces allIfaces = PyIface.getIfaces() for iface in allIfaces: print iface #Get a specific interface by name eth0 = PyIface.Interface('eth0') #view eth0 info print eth0 #bring eth0 up eth0.flags = eth0.flags | IFF_UP #set ipv4 address of the interface eth0.addr = (socket.AF_INET, '') #set ipv6 address of the interface eth0.addr = (socket.AF_INET6, '2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334')
Beautiful isn't it? How hard can it be? Wee not much indeed. Using Pythons property attributes it becomes a piece of cake like this :)
import sys import fcntl import struct import socket from ctypes import * from .ifreqioctls import * from binascii import hexlify flags2str = { IFF_UP: 'Interface is up.', IFF_BROADCAST: 'Broadcast address valid.', IFF_DEBUG: 'Turn on debugging.', IFF_LOOPBACK: 'Is a loopback net.', IFF_POINTOPOINT: 'Interface is point-to-point link.', IFF_NOTRAILERS: 'Avoid use of trailers.', IFF_RUNNING: 'Resources allocated.', IFF_NOARP: 'No address resolution protocol.', IFF_PROMISC: 'Receive all packets.', IFF_ALLMULTI: 'Receive all multicast packets.', IFF_MASTER: 'Master of a load balancer.', IFF_SLAVE: 'Slave of a load balancer.', IFF_MULTICAST: 'Supports multicast.', IFF_PORTSEL: 'Can set media type.', IFF_AUTOMEDIA: 'Auto media select active.', IFF_DYNAMIC: 'Dialup device with changing addresses.' } def flagsToStr(fin): ret = '' for k in flags2str.keys(): if fin & k: ret = ret +'\t'+ flags2str[k] + '\n' return ret class sockaddr_gen(Structure): _fields_ = [ ( "sa_family", c_uint16 ), ( "sa_data", (c_uint8 * 22) ) ] # AF_INET / IPv4 class in_addr(Structure): _pack_=1 _fields_ = [ ("s_addr", c_uint32), ] class sockaddr_in(Structure): _pack_=1 _fields_ = [ ("sin_family", c_ushort), ("sin_port", c_ushort), ("sin_addr", in_addr), ("sin_zero", (c_uint8 * 16) ), # padding ] # AF_INET6 / IPv6 class in6_u(Union): _pack_=1 _fields_ = [ ("u6_addr8", (c_uint8 * 16) ), ("u6_addr16", (c_uint16 * 8) ), ("u6_addr32", (c_uint32 * 4) ) ] class in6_addr(Structure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("in6_u", in6_u), ] class sockaddr_in6(Structure): _pack_=1 _fields_ = [ ("sin6_family", c_short), ("sin6_port", c_ushort), ("sin6_flowinfo", c_uint32), ("sin6_addr", in6_addr), ("sin6_scope_id", c_uint32), ] # AF_LINK / BSD|OSX class sockaddr_dl( Structure ): _fields_ = [ ("sdl_len", c_uint8 ), ("sdl_family", c_uint8 ), ("sdl_index", c_uint16 ), ("sdl_type", c_uint8 ), ("sdl_nlen", c_uint8 ), ("sdl_alen", c_uint8 ), ("sdl_slen", c_uint8 ) # ("sdl_data", (c_uint8 * 46) ) ] class sockaddr ( Union ): _pack_=1 _fields_ = [ ('gen', sockaddr_gen), ('in4', sockaddr_in ), ('in6', sockaddr_in6 ) ] class ifmap( Structure ): _pack_=1 _fields_ = [ ('mem_start', c_ulong), ('mem_end', c_ulong), ('base_addr', c_ushort), ('irq', c_ubyte ), ('dma', c_ubyte ), ('port', c_ubyte ) ] IFNAMSIZ = 16 IFHWADDRLEN = 6 class ifr_data( Union ): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ('ifr_addr', sockaddr), ('ifr_dstaddr', sockaddr), ('ifr_broadaddr',sockaddr), ('ifr_netmask', sockaddr), ('ifr_hwaddr', sockaddr), ('ifr_flags', c_short), ('ifr_ifindex', c_int), ('ifr_ifqlen', c_int), ('ifr_metric', c_int), ('ifr_mtu', c_int), ('ifr_map', ifmap), ('ifr_slave', (c_ubyte*IFNAMSIZ)), ('ifr_newname', (c_ubyte*IFNAMSIZ)), ('ifr_data', c_void_p) ] class ifreq( Structure ): _pack_=1 _fields_= [ ('ifr_name', (c_ubyte*IFNAMSIZ)), ('data', ifr_data) ] class Interface(object): """ Represents a network interface. Almost all interesting attributes are exported in the form of a variable. You can get or set this variable. For example: ifeth0 = Interface("eth0") print ifeth0.addr # will print the current address ... or ... ifeth0.addr = (AF_INET, '') # will set a new address """ def __init__(self, idx=1, name=None): self.skt = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0) fcntl.fcntl(self.skt, fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.fcntl(self.skt, fcntl.F_GETFD) | fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC) self._index = idx self._name = name # Get the name of the interface if (self._name == None): self._name = self.name else: self._name = (c_ubyte*IFNAMSIZ) (*bytearray(self._name)) self._index = self.index def __newIfreqWithName(self): ifr = ifreq() ifr.ifr_name = self._name return ifr def __doIoctl(self, ifr, SIOC, mutate = True): try: fcntl.ioctl(self.skt, SIOC, ifr, mutate) except IOError as ioException: if ioException.errno == 99: pass else: raise ioException def __getSimple(self, ioctl, elem): ifr = self.__newIfreqWithName() self.__doIoctl(ifr, ioctl) elem = elem.split('.') tmpVal = ifr for curElem in elem: tmpVal = getattr(tmpVal, curElem) return tmpVal def __setSimple(self,ioctl, elem, val): ifr = self.__newIfreqWithName() elem = elem.split('.') tmpVal = ifr for curElem in elem[:-1]: tmpVal = getattr(tmpVal, curElem) setattr(tmpVal, elem[-1], val) self.__doIoctl(ifr, ioctl) @property def index(self): ifr = self.__newIfreqWithName() self.__doIoctl(ifr, SIOCGIFINDEX) self._index = ifr.data.ifr_ifindex return self._index @property def name(self): ifr = ifreq() ifr.data.ifr_ifindex = self._index self.__doIoctl(ifr, SIOCGIFNAME) self._name = ifr.ifr_name return string_at(self._name) @name.setter def name(self, val): ifr = ifreq() ifr.ifr_name = self._name ifr.data.ifr_newname = val self.__doIoctl(ifr, SIOCGIFNAME) self._name = val @property def flags(self): return self.__getSimple(SIOCGIFFLAGS, 'data.ifr_flags') @flags.setter def flags(self, val): self.__setSimple(SIOCSIFFLAGS, 'data.ifr_flags', val) @property def ifqlen(self): return self.__getSimple(SIOCGIFTXQLEN, 'data.ifr_ifqlen') @ifqlen.setter def ifqlen(self, val): self.__setSimple(SIOCSIFTXQLEN, 'data.ifr_ifqlen', val) @property def metric(self): return self.__getSimple(SIOCGIFMETRIC, 'data.ifr_metric') @metric.setter def metric(self, val): self.__getSimple(SIOCSIFMETRIC, 'data.ifr_metric', val) @property def mtu(self): return self.__getSimple(SIOCGIFMTU, 'data.ifr_mtu') @mtu.setter def mtu(self, val): self.__getSimple(SIOCSIFMTU, 'data.ifr_mtu', val) @property def hwaddr(self): ifr = self.__newIfreqWithName() self.__doIoctl(ifr, SIOCGIFHWADDR) hw = ifr.data.ifr_hwaddr.gen.sa_data self._hwaddr = '' for i in hw[:IFHWADDRLEN] : self._hwaddr = self._hwaddr + '%.2X:' % i return self._hwaddr @hwaddr.setter def hwaddr(self, val): ifr = self.__newIfreqWithName() ifr.data.ifr_hwaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = val self.__doIoctl(ifr, SIOCSIFHWADDR) @property def addr(self): ifr = self.__newIfreqWithName() self.__doIoctl(ifr, SIOCGIFADDR) return ifr.data.ifr_addr @addr.setter def addr(self, val): ifr = self.__newIfreqWithName() ifr.data.ifr_addr = self.__sockaddrFromTuple(val) self.__doIoctl(ifr, SIOCSIFADDR, False) @property def broadaddr(self): ifr = self.__newIfreqWithName() self.__doIoctl(ifr, SIOCGIFBRDADDR) return ifr.data.ifr_broadaddr @broadaddr.setter def broadaddr(self, val): ifr = self.__newIfreqWithName() ifr.data.ifr_broadaddr = self.__sockaddrFromTuple(val) self.__doIoctl(ifr, SIOCSIFBRDADDR) @property def netmask(self): ifr = self.__newIfreqWithName() self.__doIoctl(ifr, SIOCGIFNETMASK) return ifr.data.ifr_netmask @netmask.setter def netmask(self, val): ifr = self.__newIfreqWithName() ifr.data.ifr_netmask = self.__sockaddrFromTuple(val) self.__doIoctl(ifr, SIOCSIFNETMASK, False) def __getSinAddr(self, sockaddr): if sockaddr.gen.sa_family == socket.AF_INET: return sockaddr.in4.sin_addr.s_addr if sockaddr.gen.sa_family == socket.AF_INET6: return sockaddr.in6.sin6_addr.in6_u return 0 def __sockaddrFromTuple(self, inVal): if inVal[0] == socket.AF_INET: sin4 = sockaddr() sin4.in4.sin_family = inVal[0] sin4.in4.sin_addr.s_addr = struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_pton( inVal[0], inVal[1]))[0] return sin4 elif inVal[0] == socket.AF_INET6: sin6 = sockaddr() sin6.in6.sin6_family = inVal[0] sin6.in6.sin6_addr.in6_u = hexlify(socket.inet_pton( inVal[0], inVal[1])) return sin6 raise "Input must be tuple like (AF_INET, '')" def __sockaddrToStr(self, sockaddr): if sockaddr.gen.sa_family == 0: return 'None' p = struct.pack('<L',self.__getSinAddr(sockaddr)) return socket.inet_ntop(sockaddr.gen.sa_family, p) def __str__(self): x = '' x = x + 'Iface: %s Index: %d HWAddr: %s\n' % ( self.name, self._index, self.hwaddr ) x = x + 'Addr:%s Bcast:%s Mask:%s\n' % ( self.__sockaddrToStr(self.addr), self.__sockaddrToStr(self.broadaddr), self.__sockaddrToStr(self.netmask) ) x = x + 'MTU: %d Metric: %d Txqueuelen: %d\n' % ( self.mtu, self.metric + 1, self.ifqlen) x = x + 'Flags:\n%s' % flagsToStr(self.flags) return x def getIfaces(): """ Returns a list of all available interfaces. """ ret = [] i = 1 while True: try: ifa = Interface(idx=i) ret.append(ifa) i = i+1 except: return ret if __name__ == '__main__': print 'All your interfaces' allIfaces = getIfaces() for iface in allIfaces: print iface iff = Interface(name='eth0') iff.flags = iff.flags & ~IFF_UP print iff iff.flags = iff.flags | IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING iff.addr = (socket.AF_INET, sys.argv[1]) print iff iff.netmask = (socket.AF_INET, sys.argv[2]) iff.flags = iff.flags | IFF_UP print iff iff.flags = iff.flags & ~IFF_UP print iff
I wrapped this code in a package and named it pyiface. Available to you now here: https://github.com/bat-serjo/PyIface
Soon I will make this package available as PyPI.